Thursday, February 26, 2009


This is a BIG deal... it was a lot of fun doing the theme music... i dunno if you can even call it theme music. any who, art and animation by ADAM MEYER

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


this is an underground Gospel artist that i ran across not to long ago, the guy is deep... i thought i would do a little more vectoring, go check him out!!!JUSTHOUGHTZ

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Smacky the Bunny!!!

i told you guys what ever i draw, be it silly, crazy or cool... im posting it...

Saturday, February 21, 2009


How come no one told me that Heroes was the greatest show on earth??? i was sitting here today watching the first season... i think i got through 5 of the disc already... And also; how come no one told me that it was addicting??? any who, i was watching it and pretty much anything i watch i analyze... so i thought that it was ridiculously close to how we should be as Christians... we should come together to try to "save the world". When its just one of us, its a BIG task but when we fail not to assemble our selves that BIG task is still big but easier to conquer. we have a lot of work to do in so little time... this "bomb" is going to explode and there will be no one there to stop it if we don't get on our JOBS. Lets become those "heroes" that God destined us to be and save the world!!!

Be Blessed and Die Daily!!!

Just something fast

i just wanted to see how my face would come out vectored, i think it came out aight!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Girly art!

just figured that i had to be versatile

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


He is not a super hero... he is just a kid with an abnormally shaped head and a peg hand... i had fun drawing this... i have made it a point to draw every day, no matter what comes to mind, just draw it.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Kungfu panda?

once again i was going thru some of my old drawings and i came across a panda i drew... it was a Kung fu panda... way way way before the movie came out!!! i always had a theory that there were spies set out to look over all the known artist's shoulders in the world to see if they have any great "new idea"... things that no one has yet ventured into. and I'm guessing my theory is correct! or all great minds think alike... this has happened to me once before... DARN YOU SPIES DARN YOU!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Jesus was pierced for us

He was beat He was torn till He bled
Some one please pull them thorns out His head
He was pierced in His wrist pierced in His feet
satan laughed as Mary wept
now picture this happen over and over again
us repenting yet stepping in the same sin
did He die in vain
did He not leave His love on the blood stain
look at America the pitiful
the evil corrupting all its people
its critical we reach out to the masses
grab them out of the quick sand, the world that's the trap kid
but the fact is we're all acting like savages
piercing Him in the side again
we might as well have been the ones pressing the crown of thorns on His head
nuff said

Thursday, February 12, 2009


these are some monsters i recently did for a client, i had a lot of fun coming up
with these gruesome creatures... not to gruesome eh??? i didn't think so either. but i had fun though...
then Raul my good buddy finished them off with some color and text treatment... small mistakes... but who else would know but me...