Thursday, April 24, 2008

i got my, go to the tenth power gadget flow had a "design a t-shirt graphic" contest for Lupe Fiasco and the proceeds would go to a charity of his choice... i don't remember what the charity was but it was fun designing this one... i don't even know the out come of the contest... might just print it myself!!!


this is a piece of art i submitted to threadless, but was bashed for its content<< CONTENT ha when someone can submit "unicorns humping" and get praised for it... but its ok with me... i stand by the WORD... and the WORD=GOD... and when i took that stand, i was in complete understanding that i also will be persecuted as Christ was.

pink elephants for sale

i often draw things to put up on and to get feedback on t-shirt designs... i thought this was a pretty funny thought so, in turn i put it on paper then mocked it up on a shirt...

a hair cut is art too, right???

this is something i drew for an up and coming music artist... Nikki Jean... she is an awesome vocalist and song writer... she is on Lupe Fiasco's album "hip hop saved my life"