Saturday, February 21, 2009


How come no one told me that Heroes was the greatest show on earth??? i was sitting here today watching the first season... i think i got through 5 of the disc already... And also; how come no one told me that it was addicting??? any who, i was watching it and pretty much anything i watch i analyze... so i thought that it was ridiculously close to how we should be as Christians... we should come together to try to "save the world". When its just one of us, its a BIG task but when we fail not to assemble our selves that BIG task is still big but easier to conquer. we have a lot of work to do in so little time... this "bomb" is going to explode and there will be no one there to stop it if we don't get on our JOBS. Lets become those "heroes" that God destined us to be and save the world!!!

Be Blessed and Die Daily!!!


Dai'th Lee said...'ll like Heroes till you hit season 3. Then it will start to have severe plot holes...Anytime you do what they do with that season, you gonna have to have your thinking cap on....I dunno...maybe I'm just a hard critic but Lost to me is waaaaay better.

Chip said...

Don't watch either show but I love the illustration the show created in your experience. I'll probably (steal it) I mean borrow it and use it in a youth talk some night.

Crystal Clear Art said...

Don't get me wrong, I watch Lost and Heroes but Lost doesn't have plot holes as much as it NEVER ANSWERS ANY QUESTIONS!!! Anyway, I still like Heroes I actually think season 3 is better than season 2.