Saturday, February 14, 2009

Jesus was pierced for us

He was beat He was torn till He bled
Some one please pull them thorns out His head
He was pierced in His wrist pierced in His feet
satan laughed as Mary wept
now picture this happen over and over again
us repenting yet stepping in the same sin
did He die in vain
did He not leave His love on the blood stain
look at America the pitiful
the evil corrupting all its people
its critical we reach out to the masses
grab them out of the quick sand, the world that's the trap kid
but the fact is we're all acting like savages
piercing Him in the side again
we might as well have been the ones pressing the crown of thorns on His head
nuff said

1 comment:

Chip said...

I like this, but here's another idea for a twist - what if you drew Christ hands pierced with a stake and there are faces of different men/women on that stake...idea,we're crucified with Christ - just a thought.

How's the development of the IDD shirts coming along?